The week started off rough with an unexpected visit from corporate big wigs. Somewhere some executive decided our Idaho and Utah offices were just too expensive to maintain so they shut down the offices. I guess that I should not complain and be thankful that I still have a job. To relieve some tension I headed down south with JD and rumor of careless trout chasing huge bugs on top. Destination reached, first step out of the car and all I could hear were the high pitched cicada squeaks. I was even more delighted to see various stoneflies hovering about.

Highlight of the trip was a huge brown that slurped my stimi. Unfortunately without a net and in the excitement JD tried to cut off the beast before it ran into the fast water. The result was the fish breaking off and the dropper embedded into the hand of JD. After some amateur surgery it was once again time to fish. Yada yada yada, it was a great way to end the week.